But what has community got to do with social media?

Social listening is a strong foundation on which to start but once your campaign comes to life comes the need for understanding the difference between  a monologue campaign and a dialogue campaign. Unshared content is lonely, which is why we always recommend the latter.

We believe switched on brands don’t tell, they engage, they immerse, they encourage their customers to be part of their story.
This is why community matters when creating a social media strategy. Brands are expected to create value, not by influencing individual customers but a community, collectively.

• An audience is a group of people who witness something.
• A community is a connected group of people who participate in something together and therefore an effective and scalable way to build strong communities around a brand.

A dialogue in turn allows us to evaluate relationships, behaviours, profiles and further networks. This in turn can determine the content a brand creates and predict the likely engagement.

Need help with your social? From content creation to consultancy, then get in touch.